
The CVM guys Beechy & Willmott are back & the latest episode is a great one on ‘Gold’.  You can get their podcasts here.
We’re called to be generous, the bible talks about it in 2 Corinthians 9 & that podcast also struck a resounding note for me.  Not purely about money, but also following on from my last blog on time.
What if you find yourself with a little time on your hands… or you’ve taken that day off I spoke about previously and your loved ones are all good?!
Or you feel you don’t have time?  You may well be surprised what you can help achieve, even with a few minutes here and there.
Here are some ideas, some that take seconds, some longer.  There is such a variety & many more than I could put down here.  Have a look at some, search for things you find interesting, challenging & engaging.  Many of these will end up in you having fun, building people up & be a brilliant use of time.
Seconds to 30 minutes (Help From Home);
All sorts on here, using your skills & time on the internet.  This video intro will give you an idea;
Opportunities in our area (;
This website is superb for those looking to help our community.  Lots of opportunities, from buddying young people who need support, befriending the elderly, helping with local charities – the list is huge, even just in Warminster.
Encouraging practical acts for serving those with need.  The local coordinator is in Taunton & it would be superb to put the Warminster area on the map!
Raising money while you use the internet (Easy Fundraising);
This site has lots of charities to chose from… if you’re wondering who you may chose, Sambourne school is on there!  By renewing insurance & clicking through to the likes of Amazon through them we have raised over £100.  As a governor there I can tell you every penny of that is gratefully received & well used!
There are a team of people from Christ Church going out to Bulgaria in a few weeks.  Renovating, painting, tidying, supporting and caring for those in need.  We hope to bring you more on that soon, but have a look on the website for more details.
Raising money;
Guys need a challenge from time to time.  I know for sure I do.  Life is meant to be interesting, challenging, and it’s good to make it so!  While doing this we can raise money for charities – many fantastic organisations depend on it.  There are lots of companies that can help this.  The link here is for the company Andy & I used a couple of years ago.  We walked from Winchester to Salisbury – the Spire to Spire Trekathon over marathon distance.  It was a great challenge & we raised a stack of money for NSPCC, Help for Heros and CC21.
Lending money (;
The costs associated with loans are crippling developing countries.  Kiva is a good way to lend small amounts of money to projects around the world.  This takes very little time, a small amount of money & makes a big difference.  Collectively $301 million has been lent across the world!
The Church;
What about the church?  The church always needs more people with a wide skill set.  Yours is very much required, I can guarantee that personally!  It’s written in the bible in Romans 12.  From the sound and vision desk through prayer ministry, grass cutting, and especially Strive!  Chat to people who already do it & see if you can give it a go.
Let us know what you find – if there are ways to give you find, please do let us all know.

1 thought on “Generosity

  1. Hi. It’s The Besom in Taunton. Good to see you mention The Besom as a way of giving to the needy. Just done a project today with 8 young people from 6 different churches in Taunton – clearing a garden for a young family who inherited a garden full of rubbish and who were referred to us by the Early Intervention team at the local school as very much in need – but who with some encouragement will make progress themselves.
    The team were tired after a long day but very pleased to see the difference they made to the garden – and the recipients.

    Nesta – Co-ordinator – The Besom in Taunton

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